Finding nemo game
Finding nemo game

Never before have I been subjected to such lengthy loading screens. I've analyzed this game with a team of scientists, and we've all come to the unanimous conclusion that this game is the worst thing since cancer.

finding nemo game

This game is so bad that I am writing a review about it at 1:42 in the morning, 12 years later! Probably cause I have nothing better to do. On the first day of a six day rental, I returned it for credit. The game as a whole was frustrating, and eventually boring. My youngest had no complaints except that it was getting boring.

finding nemo game

After chasing Dory in literal circles for almost ten minutes, I began feeling nauseaus, as well as my older daughter who was watching (she plays many video games and has never felt ill before). We made it to the Catch Dory level (about level five). If you fail, you are doomed to repeat this same scene until you get it. In some levels you must chase the fish and catch it while targeting and going through rings to increase your speed in keeping up with the fish. After some strong frustration, the youngster turned the controls over to me. The skill level required increases too quickly with each level for the younger kids. The first level is quite easy with each level increasing.

finding nemo game

Negatives: - Long loading times between levels - 3 to 4 minutes. Uses some of the humourous lines from the movie. Uses some of the humourous lines from the Rented this for my 6 yr old.

Finding nemo game